LGBT orginazations financial war on bi+ groups

The past few years, bi+ groups are getting #PricedOutOfPride and aren’t able to represent their specific community at Pride. This issue isn’t new but seems to be getting far worse this year.

Last year, it cost $250 to march in the Denver Pride parade. This year it is $1200! Nonprofits representing marginalized communities aren’t able to be a part of pride anymore while corporations, with iffy track records for LGBT+ rights, are prioritized.

While they are the focus and origin of #PricedOutOfPride, bi+ communities aren’t the only ones affected. This is an intersectional problem. Any small marginalized group working hard to be represented has felt this blow.

So many of bi+ people's Prides are reverting back to the bi+ erasure we’ve fought so hard to overcome. We don’t have the money to fight the problem financially, but we do have the voices. We’re trying to get the truth out there and raise awareness for this disgusting practice.

Please share and join the discussion if you can! We are trying to get #PricedOutOfPride as well as #Pride4All trending trending to raise awareness of the situation excluding so many of us.

The alternative for many groups is to slip away into oblivion and experience even more bi+ erasure- all because we can’t afford the ridiculous prices that have small nonprofits competing with giant corporations.